Vera Evstafievas profil

Direct typeface in use!

Direct typeface designed for wayfinding systems with the special attention to Cyrillic. More than 10 years!
Here is the description of the design concept and process — and Direct is available to puchase there.
Font in use!
Wayfinding signs in Moscow:
Moscow Undersground map and wayfinding on the floor. Designed in ArtLebedev Studio. Direct typeface in use.
Moscow Gorky Park, wayfinding. Designed in ArtLebedev Studio. Direct typeface in use.
Series of kids encyclopedias with Chevostik. Direct is used for texts. Book design by Maria Druzhinina for
GITIS website. Designed in ArtLebedev Studio. Direct typeface in use.
Luzhniki Stadium wayfinding system. Designed at ArtLebedev Studio. Direct typeface in use.
This was one of the first examples of Direct in use and I treasure this booklet as it's designer found me and brought the "font in use" to my postbox personally! Thanks a lot!
I'm always greatful for new pictures of my fonts in use!
So this page is to be filled with more photos!
Direct typeface in use!

Direct typeface in use!
