Day 1: Blend Modes
(Thank you to Todd Ryan and the U.S. Air Force for the source image which I adapted into the snowboarder silhouette!)

Day 2: Layers
(Thank you to Max Todorov on Flickr for the source image which I adapted into the mermaid's silhouette, Chris S. on for the source image which I adapted into the seagull's silhouette, and Nutraveller on Pixabay for the source image of the beach shoreline!)
Day 3: Templates
Here, I used a past design project wherein I redesigned the cover of Helena Maria Viramontes's novella, Under the Feet of Jesus.
Day 4: Collage
(Thank you to Spiriterror on Pixabay for the source image of the moon, Tinus Badenhorst and Karen Arnold on for the source images of the piano and the purple curtain backdrop, and the contributors for Wikipedia for the public domain image of the dancing couple from Top Hat!)
Day 5: Composite
Day 6: Type & Textures
Day 7: Pen Tool
Day 8: Valentine
Day 9: Gig Poster (Source image:
DCC Photoshop

DCC Photoshop
