Cancer Teaching Hospital is a fiction project that i choose for my FINAL ASSIGNMENT in my last year in college.
This is an interior project to design the inside of the hospital in order to reach balance between interior and activies of user. In this case there are 2 main users, patient and student, that each of  user has different purposes in this facility. First user, patient, need to get their healthy life while the other need education to their medical experience. Therefore, it needs something to connect those 2 users to gain harmony in 1 facility. This project is one of solution for cancer disease and education for medical experience. It is not only cure by medicine way but also by the environment and people who will support them  in the hospital.
Administration area

The yellow line is a sign system for difable. It using braille system. Not only for difable but also this sign system is using when something extremely happened, like earthquake or fired or any nature/human disaster, it could lead people to get out from the area to safety zone. Using yellow color to made it conspicuous from the other, so people will spontantly follow this line when something happened unexpectedly.
Waiting area

Partition in this area called double glass partition. It can absorb the noise in waiting area so people will having a relax feeling. Specially this one is teaching hospital, as we know not only doctor but there will be interns and attendings too. The more users in a facility the more noise they made too.
Waiting area
Design-ing a hospital not only thinking about function but also campaign the disease, in this case is cancer. Cancer patient needs a routine therapy, which makes the campaign cannot be the same each day. To made it easy, the campaign is using LED TV so it can change daily without much paper to dispose. Beside, this LED TV is not only show about campaign, but also to persuade people through disordered round shape (implement from cancer cell in human body). When you see the administration area has round shape too but in organized order, its persuade people that cancer can be cure if you concerned it fastly. (from disordered round shape into organized order round shape ; from cancer cell into normal cell)
VIP room

Hospital room should have a Television that can adjust the height. Because patient not always in sleeping position, but they sometime in sitting position too. So it's a good way to design the TV  not only adjustable in angle, but also the height.
VIP room
Cancer Teaching Hospital

Cancer Teaching Hospital

My final assignment that has concept "nature heals" with theme "play with nature". The basic is simple, nature cannot be rebuild into interior, s Se mer
