Chester Pacana 的个人资料

How to Get Started Rucking

A veteran investment professional, Chester “C. Edziu” Pacana is a managing agent and wealth management planner at Jamestown, Tennessee’s DeRosa & Associates. When not leading retirement-preparation workshops or selling annuities, Chester Pacana enjoys hobbies such as rucking. 

Rucking is a high-intensity training program that is used by the military and others who wish to push their physical limits. The good news is, you don’t need much equipment to go rucking, only a weighted backpack and a water bottle. By hauling a pack, your body gets more of a workout than during an average hike.

If you are new to rucking, make sure your backpack has comfortable shoulder straps and that the weight rides close to your back. Start by carrying a 20-pound weight in your pack and work up gradually to more weight. Most ruckers walk briskly, covering a mile in about 15 minutes or less. However, feel free to adjust the rucking workout to what works for you.
How to Get Started Rucking

How to Get Started Rucking
