1. Understand the Problem

In this project, communication is extremely important, and is the key in the photos of this project.  The stuff I want to communicate through these photos is how people use their hands in day to day life, and use them in ways that others do not often do.  Hands are the most simple, yet the most complex parts of the body as they can do infinitely many things, making endless possibilities.  The shots are easy to compose, with a lot of detail in each joint and wrinkle in the skin and bones of the hand.  My overall goal with the hands project is to show the small things that people do everyday that seems simple but is yet very complex with their hands.

2. Research and Develop

The things needed to be successful in the field have to be:
  - A plan
  - Inspiration
  - Time management
  - Know who/what I need
  - Proper lighting
  - An idea

3. Generate Possible Solutions

 - Baseball: Fielding a ground ball, Catching a ball, Throwing a pitch, Swinging a bat
 - Football: Catch a football, Throw a football, Lining up a kick
 - Tennis: Swinging a racket, Throwing a ball in the air
 - Golf: Teeing up a ball, Swinging a club, lining up a club
Everyday Life:
 - Tools: Holding a hammer, Holding a Saw
 - Church: Holding hands, Praying,
 - Friends: High fives, Shaking hands, Playing video games, Poker
 - Me: Hands in pocket(thumb in pocket or thumb out of pocket), Point, Eat/ Drink food, Start Car, Paying money,
 - The Game:
 -Work: Deliver Trays, Spin Trays

4. Select and Develop Best Solutions

The compositions that I have ultimately decided to create are a sports themed composition of a batter holding a baseball bat, and some prep work in a kitchen, such as cutting fruits and vegetables.

5. Model and Prototype​​​​​​​
6. Test and Evaluate
Overall, my photos were decent but not great.  Many factors contributed to this, such as the grainy ness of the photos, as I didn’t realize I had an automatic ISO setting that was on, the photos are tilted, and the background is too distracting.  I could’ve had a shallower depth of field and brought the saturation of the background down with the use of a mask.  I could’ve used the angle tool to straiten out the photo.
7. Produce
While taking the photos, I had struggled with the background noise, whether us was too colorful or too bright, which draws away from the subjects.  Another is trying to make the hands seem natural, which may mean putting them in unnatural positions.  I have found success in the saturation of my photos but could have still done better.



Creative Fields