Profilo di Nick John

"Botanical Garden of the Canaries"

"Botanical Garden of the Canaries"
Jardín Botánico Canario Viera y Clavijo is the full name of the botanical garden on Gran Canaria, one of the Canary Islands.
Establishing this botanical garden was the life work of the Swedish-Spanish botanist Erik Ragnar Svensson (1910–1973), who devoted many years to searching for the optimal site, one that could successfully accommodate as many as possible of the highly diverse plant species of the Canary Islands.
In 1983, the garden established a seed bank for the roughly 400 tree species endemic to the Canaries and other Macaronesian islands.
"Botanical Garden of the Canaries"


"Botanical Garden of the Canaries"

"Botanical Garden of the Canaries"
