Colleen Clifford profili

Fabric, Earth, and Abstraction

My final project of second year, first semester, started with abstracting an object that portrayed motion and lead to a self-directed, concrete exploration.
I chose my 1951 Singer Sewing machine, for my object with motion. Specifically, I used the motion and muscle memory of threading the sewing machine. For the first "act" of this project, I recreated the path my hand takes while threading the machine with a strip of fabric, placed on a grey abstraction of the boundary of the machine. The thread portrays pushes and pulls that come with speed: the hand fighting against changigng direction and momentum. 
The second act required that we put our act 1 into a context. I decided to create an a plan for a park, with the path created in act 1 as a walkway. The grey then became earth, or the boundary for the park. 
My model for this project became an expirement with fabric and earth, While going through the project, it became clear that my material should be fabric, so I proposed a dug-out pathway, of which fabric retained the earth along the sides. I used fabric, wire, and sand to expirement with the limits of fabric structure. I came up with a system where the fabric and the earth relied on each other: the fabric as the boundary and structure of the earth, and the earth to shape the fabric. 
These smaller models help portray the way wire structures the fabric, and how the earth shapes the fabric. 
Fabric, Earth, and Abstraction
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Fabric, Earth, and Abstraction

Experimenting with fabric and it's ability to be architectural and retain earth.

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