The challenge was to make a razor design and render it but as always we were more up for experimenting than taking the safe road and just putting out a nice render. Instead of modeling from scratch we took a existing model and started adding details for added realism. After a lot of it was remodeled we had a crazy idea to test our new 64 Core node with Keyshot 8’s scattering materials. The cloud was something that was already in it, but combining it in here was the trick. After over 12 hours of setting it up we decided to render it at 900px to make sure the render doesn’t eat up days on our new server node.

Next idea was to use razers rgb features on a razer, the name is too similar to skip this crazy collab possibility. As we had materials developed way back for a client that did a product close to the materials used as on the razor mouse we went in and finished it off in the black color usual to them.

Once the cloud was tested and played with enough we moved to just scattering materials to try and get different lights to shine thru the scene. Here is how that came together.

Thanks for looking at out work and please like and comment on it so we know your thoughts and can improve over time.
Razor Razer


Project Made For

Razor Razer

A collaboration between philips and razer as imagined by us for renderweekly challenge. Using keyshots volumetrics and photoshop to finish it off Read More
