This is some magazine cover work that was done for a magazine two friends of mine and I created. After doing a little design sprint all together (crazy 8's) we found a name. It's basically a combination of our three first names (Moritz, Edosa and Sam). Not even 24 hours after we found a name, Moritz already created three different Logos. I used those in a couple different cover Ideas presented below. The general mood of the magazine includes freedom, equality, fairness and progressive thinking. We address topics like Art, Design, Politics, Sexuality and Philosophy. We talk about those things not only from an objective standpoint, but also share our opinion from time to time.
The first cover you can see here was also the first one that got created. With this one, the focus should really lay on the clean logo and the seven bullet points that represent our topics and message. Not more not less.
In the next four pieces you can see a process. With the intention to create a cover that would display the unbounded amount of love that's present in the LGBTQ community, the cover transformed from the typical colours to a more subtle version where we worked with the power of images that were taken from Unsplash.
The next cover is inspired by an article in Opumo magazine. The clean look of the 1989 Mitsubishi Starion EX Turbo in combination with a very light pastel pink appeared pretty randomly. The whole idea grew from the shape of the Logo whose energy reminded of the 80's and therefore the clean and fast looking car.
The last cover is inspired by Dieter Rams and his 10 rules for good design. Yet again, the clean pictures taken from the Vitsoe website work great with the pastel pink in the background. Surprisingly, the images still work with the 80's inspired logo, despite the fact that most of the objects displayed were designed in the 60's and 70's.

