
School assignment. 
We were assigned to make a magazine - theme was free of choice.
"Prelude magazine introduces you to some of the greatest music of our time, and the brilliant people behind. As many musicians belive that music is so much more than sound, Prelude magazine thinks the same about design. We give you articles both worth reading and looking at.
We want to give you the most inspiring music, in the most inspiring way. We want you to enjoy your reading, both intellectual and visual. Prelude magazine therefore presents to you a new unique artist presented in a new unique way for every issue."
Pictures, all graphics and text are edited for its purpose, but all original photos, illustrations, album graphics and the original articles belong to the respective owners and creaters, and are not property of myself. A great applause to the makers of used material. 
Prelude magazine
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Prelude magazine

School assignment. "Create a magazine, theme: free of choice." I chose to make a music magazine, featuring The Cinematic Orchestra.

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