Read it & Reap

'Read it & Reap' is a visual exploration into the aesthetic relationship between nature and industry within agriculture.

Printing directly into the publication aims to replicate the sense of risk and commitment farmers have to overcome within their occupation. Therefore the entire publication remains unedited, any imperfections portray an honest representation of design process. 
Techniques & Processes

Unique printing techniques such as callographs aim to replicate the organic textures created by field treatments such as ploughing, cultivating and tramlines.

Using pages of acetate with 35mm photography printed on them aims to reflect the industrial side of agriculture, whilst the variety of paper weights and textures reflects the natural elements, ultimately providing a sensorial and tactile reading experience.

The layers of acetate allow the photography and material/print textures to interact, creating unique page compositions, forcing the audience to manually explore the book. 
Read it & Reap

Read it & Reap
