Cosplay Clowns
In 2015 a friend of mine, Callista Morlock, introduced me to "Cosplay"; a hobby that developed my skills in costume design, costume construction, prop-making, makeup application, and acting. 

Cosplay Clowns was created a year later to compete in a cosplay masquerade--costuming competition. Since then, we have added 3 more members and won awards 3 times.
May 2015 - From Left to Right: Callista Morlock and I cosplaying costumes from Cirque Du Soleil: "Kooza".
Our first Masquerade was in 2016. We cosplayed the band: Steam Powered Giraffe. To prepare for our performance, all three of us learned pantomime--especially how to pantomime a robot--and built foam, prop guitars. 

We won Best in Show, at the Phoenix Comic Con Masquerade, with this skit. ↓ 
        ↑ From Left to Right: Callista Morlock, Payton Morlock, Me                                                       Close-up of my costume ↑
In 2018, we competed for a second time. We stuck with "dance" choreography, like before, but made it a goal to tell a story. We competed with costumes from Breath of the Wild--a Legend of Zelda game. Therefore, our story was that of Link's: "The Hero's Story".

We, again, won Best in Show at the Phoenix Comic Fest Masquerade. 
This was our performance. ↓ 
*Our skit ends at 14:30
From Left to Right: Dakota Roth, Callista Morlock, Payton Morlock, Me, and Maya Craw
Future Goals:

We are planning the biggest production for this year's convention in Phoenix. It is a redesign of the Batman villains in the aesthetic of Cabaret. This year, we will have a stylized set, original costume designs, and a comedic storyline! 

In addition, we are developing a Batman drag show that will be an hour long! It is extremely exciting to have so much time to perform as the iconic characters of the Batman Universe.
Joker's Costume Design ↑                                                                                                                        Set Design ↑
Cosplay Clowns

Cosplay Clowns

Cosplay Clowns is a performing arts group that brings characters to life!
