Jackson Schaubs profilMax Wares profil

Travel Poster-Washington DC

Ignation Family Teach-In: Washington D.C.
On our picture with the White House we got many critiques. One positive comment was that they liked the font and the American flag inside of the eagle. Some criticism that they gave us was to make the White House more center and make the font size bigger. They also mentioned that the White house looked too dark so we added some color with the paintbrush tool. For the picture with the Eagle they said that they liked the Washington monument and the Capital. They said that they didn't like the font and the Capital behind the eagle.
Our final product was a picture of the White House with an eagle as the centerpiece. Our immersion trip was the Ignation Family Teach-In to Washington DC. We chose the White House because that is one of the most symbolic things in Washington DC. Washington DC is described as the capitol of the United States so we chose a bald eagle to represent the strength and freedom of America. We also put the American flag in the bald eagle because this is the flag of our nation. To add finishing details we put a filter on the poster and we added details with the paint brush on the White House. We also used a light gradient to draw emphasis to the eagle in the middle of our picture.
Works Cited
Photo of Washington Monument by Samad Ismayilov from Pexels
Photo of White House by Aaron Kittredge from Pexels
Photo of American Flag by Sharefaith from Pexels
Photo of Bald Eagle by Anthony from Pexels

Travel Poster-Washington DC

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Travel Poster-Washington DC


Kreativa områden