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12 simple ways to fight cancer

12 simples ways to fight cancer

This year Leon Berard center, the french institute against cancer, launches a huge prevention campaign and provides 12 simple ways to fight and prevent cancer. I have the honor to illustrate each mounth one of these simple actions.40% of cancers are preventable by just taking care of your lifestyle, so, challenge accepted ? 
This is a living project ! i'll post a new illustration each mounth, so stay tuned and let me know if you like it

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1. I quit smoking
2. I'm adopting a healthy and balanced diet
3. I'm finding out about cancer screening
4. I'm reducing my alcohol consumption
5. I'm learning about health and safety practices in my workplace
6. I’m starting a physical activity that I really like
7. I’m protecting myself from the sun
8. I'm writing down my eating habits
9. Cold is coming, but i keep exercising
10. I'm checking to see if my vaccines and those of my loved ones are up to date
11. I quit smoking, protecting myself and my beloved ones
12. I pay attention to the air quality at home
Thank you for watching (and sharing)

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12 simple ways to fight cancer

Project Made For

12 simple ways to fight cancer

I have the honor to illustrate each mounth a simple action to fight and prevent cancer in collaboration with Leon Berard, the french institute ag Read More
