Perfil de ben ireland

grade 10 graphics

This project was pretty easy to create, I used a couple PNG images of things and people that I like and blended them together.
This was also an easier project, the only real trouble I had was setting up the vertical typing.
This project was really tough. I didn't know how to use the pen tool yet and I really suffered for it. 
I had a lot of trouble with the path typing tool, I constantly had sentences crashing into each other and ending abruptly.
This is the first assignment where I did well with the pen tool... I was starting to get the hang of it.
This is a few months later, and it's a pretty big improvement from last time solely because of the pen tool being used.
I had a lot of trouble colouring my hand and the spray bottle. Eventually I just grouped the two together, coloured it in the colour my hand was and then ungrouped the two objects. Then I just coloured the spray bottle.
This is a celebrity line art I did. It was pretty easy up until the part where Ringo and Georges head meet, I had trouble working out the colours there.
This is an older assignment, the simple cartoon character. It was really easy to do with the pen tool.
This is the logo I crated for my keyboard company. We sell keyboards and also give lessons.
This is my other celebrity line art. I didn't have a lot of trouble, mostly on the colours and hair placement.
I mis read the "Custom Logo Design" for "Custom Lego Design" so I made a Lego Cooper Mini Figure
grade 10 graphics

grade 10 graphics
