Dajeong Chois profil


Explore the notion of Contour
Contours represent the outline of shapes or forms such as the topography of land depicting relief and are a common way of showing elevation. Contours can depict the relief of the human face or body as used for forensic model making. The notion of contour could take on a more abstract and synesthetic interpretation, for example, exploring the notion of pitch contour as in the tonal variations of a voice or the sound of music. My response could be a fresh interpretation of the theme. 

For this project, I was going to create magazine covers based on contour drawing. I would sketch portraits of famous people using contour drawing techniques and they would come from the areas of music, art, science, religion and politics. Firstly, in order to create the designs, I should carry out research into contemporary designers and take inspiration from their practice. I would make written and visual notes and analysis of relevant aspects that may prove useful at the design stage. As designers, there are four main areas of interest that would influence my design decision; Colour, Type, Layout and Illustrative style. Once I had an insight into the design basics and researches, I was going to create some practical experimentation to gain a greater insight into the issues encountered and resolved by the designers.
I would create magazine covers based on contour drawing. I have sketched portraits of famous people using contour drawing techniques and it helped me to extend my ideas and understand skills. I have made written and visual notes and analysis of relevant aspects that may might prove useful at the design stage. From the design element analyse, I have learned four main areas, typography, colour, illustrative styles, and layout. During the project, research was not really easy because there were not much contouring design studios however, using their skills and understand it was not as difficult as research. If I am able to do this project again, I would like to spend more time on research and observe various contour drawing designers. Although my project was about contour drawing, next time when I do this type of project, I would like to use different sources such as paint and photograph with contouring. Finally, I produced my final outcome using suitable type as bold and large for the heading and added my drawing to suit for my theme of the project.

