St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
5th Year Studio Project w. Professor Gene Cizek
Elevated a required 20 feet above sea level, the greatest challenge was to connect the house to the ground. A mid-level porch serves as this transition. A solid mass holds 4 bedrooms. The public space is open for cross ventilation. Orientation minimizes solar gain and maximizes northern exposure. A south facing, sloped roof accomodates solar panels. Plantings diminish erosion and provide privacy.
Site Organization and Landscape Sketch
Left: Intermediate Porch Plan
Right: Main Floor Plan
Intermediate Porch Level
Left: Structural Model
Right: Passive Design Strategies
View into Kitchen
South Facing Elevation
Bayou Home

Bayou Home

Elevated a required 20 feet above s.l., the greatest challenge was to connect the house to the ground. The design utilizes passive and sustainabl 자세히 보기


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