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Artist Book: It's a Small World.

Much like any package, my artist book is simple and bland on the outside. However the goal of a package is not to impress, but rather to safely hold something of importance. Despite their uninteresting appearance, packages elicit excitement in us, as we know when we open it, there will be something of note inside. I hoped to capture those feelings with the exterior of the artist book. 
Layers of transportation set up in an Azimuthal Quidistant Projection. From right to left, a satellite's orbit, the most important air travel routes, global shipping routes, and built up urban areas. 
Each Panel corresponds with one of the layers, containing laser engraved images and statistics. This first one features a communications satellite and a receiver dish. 
Here information is given about planes, and drones, which potentially will reshape the global shipping industry. 
The standardization of shipping containers may have been the biggest change to human society since the invention of the letter press, yet it gets overshadowed by more flashy innovations such as the computer and internet. However the shipping container, as simple as it may be, was the key to linking the whole world together and creating a globalized society. 
The world is a scary place, full of suffering and cruelty, but right now is the best time in history to be alive. Poverty is falling rapidly in every corner of the world, and urbanization is bringing about a more multicultural and green society. This panel tells you that with some simple graphs, and an illustration of Singapore, a city-state that in just 50 years, due to globalization, went from an impoverished Island to a global finical leader. 
Artist Book: It's a Small World.
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Artist Book: It's a Small World.

For my spring 2018 design final for Judy Maloney's class I was tasked with creating an artist book about anything I wanted. I choose to focus on Daha Fazla Bilgi

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