Profil von Alvaro AgurtoProfil von Carlos García Acha

Taste the UK Summer - UPC & NCUK

NCUK is an international program associated with UPC which offers students the opportunity to access the most prestigious universities around the UK.

At the beginning of each year, a campaign is developed highlighting the benefits of the program, a high grade education, international certifications, job opportunities... basically as always. That's why a little challenge was added to the project, keep the same message that has been using but expressed thorugh a total different communication, one more closer and stimulating.

The arrival of a new year comes with new objectives, new challenges; but especially, new experiences. And why not, a new summer flavor? A summer with a taste of new international experiences.

The result: "Taste the UK summer"

Thanks for your attention!

Taste the UK Summer - UPC & NCUK

Taste the UK Summer - UPC & NCUK

[ES]La llegada de un nuevo año trae consigo nuevos objetivos, nuevos desafíos; pero sobre todo, nuevas experiencias. ¿Y  por qué no, un nuevo sab Mehr anzeigen
