The Illustration Of

"Catacomb Kittens"
" Huit petites pattes, Une soirée"
This work cannot be used without explicit permission ©️2019
Suspiria Tales
~contes de suspiria von t~

is a project itself. It is intended to interpret and to illustrate (sometimes) centuries old folktales and fables. The moral or ethical consequences (or the lack of those) is up to each individual to pull from these literature. As an illustrator my goal is to evoke senses and emotions in the viewer that would start them on a journey toward the within.
The Catacomb Kittens
~narrative ~

is about about two siblings' ran away, after horrible circumstances they had to endure. They have come up with a plan to spend their days and eventually their whole lives away from such events, naively entering into the darkness of the city, the unknown, and the deep underground, where they've met with more fearsome creatures, places and events of the night. All alone shivering in fear, the strong bond between the two never fades and they promise never to leave each other side even if death follows them while they were trying to escape. Years pass by and the tragic event still echoes through the street, under your feet, every, single, night.
(Original story by Lucas Lanthier)
An introduction project.
This work cannot be used without explicit permission ©️2019
~Fiction/fable writers contact me for collaboration to have your short tales illustrated and promoted~

Catacomb Kittens

Catacomb Kittens

Illustration of two kittens trapped with the creatures of the night.
