HAPPA IMAG //live generated motion graphics  
This R&D was done using Notch motion graphics software, it is incorporating various workflows and tools that this software offers.

This IMAG patch is based on testing out couple of post effects that I never got around to play with, I would say shame on me, as both are very cool and will be my go to tools from now on!

So the first post FX is Frame Feedback, I never thought much of it until it struck me that it has an output, and that is exactly where things got fun and weird!

The second one - Bump Map Warp, usually image A would be displaced via Bump Map Warp node first input to a shape of image B, but what if image A is being displaced by the same image A with some math modifiers driving its offsets? It becomes a abstract displacement/distortion! Gold!

Feel free to download and use this file for commercial or non commercial work
Happa IMAG

Happa IMAG



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