I love joy. I live for the happiness. And at first glance, those two sentences are nothing but egoistical and selfish…

However, they are not.

When met with a statement such as the one above, people always try to take the negative out of it, to make it darker than the black and dirtier than the mud. For better or worse, this is what society is today. This is how we are built as humans by other humans. We are taught to speak by criticizing, gossiping and even hating. We are shown how to write by bullying, manipulating and sending threats. And that is what most of us learn from life…

Yet that is not all it is.

It is true that the happy moments in life are fewer than the dark ones but if we had more light in our lives wouldn’t we appreciate it less? As people are ambitious creatures who always aim higher, imagine our natural state being happy. Wouldn’t that ruin us? What is greater than joy? You would say euphoria, love, friendship and family. Those are things in the circle of joy. Moreover, as life does not consist of only one circle but an infinite amount of those, joy should be the goal and not the journey to reach it. So let us go back to that first sentence that seemed so controversial to you, didn’t it?

Joy makes us better. It gives us hope. It rewards us and proves that everything we do on Earth is worth the work. But it does not affect ourselves only if you dig deeper into it. Being happy brings out the best in us. It lets us be our kindest, most loving and generous selves. Happiness is so great because it makes us want to pull all of your loved ones into that bubble of joy. It is contagious if used correctly. Laughter is contagious and that is just the smallest part of it.

Therefore, here comes the philosophy of the self-involved modern ambitious person – work to be your best to bring out the best in the world and spread the joy.



I wrote this 'essay' to put my thoughts into words. I had the whole idea in my head for a long time but couldn't put it out as a statement so I t 阅读更多内容
