The task: Choose 3-4 artists from different sentures who have similar concepts, style, method or aethetics or some other features. Represent these artists as one new art movement (new "ISM") and write it's manifesto. Invent three more members of the association, who are different but still fit the ideology of the new "ISM")
      "Phantom nostalgism" is about slow contemplation of life, noticing very simple ad forgotten things. They like to play with time: try to make it go slow, stop it or rewind it, what makes things got mixed. Because of this their works look unreal, remind dreams. They are like full of unvisible ghosts, rustles and misty lightening. Artists try to look at something, what is impossible to see, that's why the image is often blurred, distorted and builded on sometimes. Nostalgia for them is not a reproduction, but the reconstruction of an experience.
     Just because of that a spectator is facing somesing very familiar but strange and irrational, the sence of calmnes mixed with anxiety is appeared. Like in the very old lullaby about the wolf.

Chosen artist: Salvador Dali, William Terner, Robert Raushenberg, Jorje Gonzalez, Andrei Tarkovski, Orhan Pamuk and his book The Museum of Innocence.
Artist number 1   Working with the memories of his childhood (rural areas, things and landscapes). His workes are based just on memories and never on the real nature, that's why sometimes they are abstract. It seems to have no rational development in its storytelling. But we have to remember: it is impossible that in our soul our childhood memories should arrange themselves in a static, logical sequence. His shows the poetry in our infancy
Seria 1
Seria 2 "My childhood smels like honey and the smoke of the dad's homemade tabacco"
Seria 3 "There must be many, many things still unknown to humanity in this world: the abyss of the cosmos which a man had to look into, strange visitors in the satellite base, time running in reverse, from death to life"
Seria 4
Seria 5

The artist number 2: He is actually a  historian and a naive artist. Most of time he spends in archives, reading about people's lifes. Seems that this world is more interesting for him than the real one. These lives and people are more real for him than anything from todays. Because he knows so much about them, even their secrets and fears. His main medium is the collage with old photos and blanks. He plays with them like a produser with actors, giving them a new life and a new meaning. Building a new world out of these scraps.
Seria 1 Defectors
Seria 2
Seria 3

The artist number 3 likes noticing simple things, which other people ignore, these things are like transparent ghosts (for example reflection in water or even ordinary trash). Like A. Tarkovski he finds water mystical medium, trasporting, sweeping, distorting, hiding and keeping information. In his works you can hear murmur of water or slow dripping water.
Seria 1
Seria 2
We are nostalgists, believe that the past is not less important than the present. Time doesn't go straightforwardly for us. The past, the present and the future are conatantly interlaced. We like time travelling, and use old things like a time  machine. We are fascinated by memories and don't want to entrust our memories to google-disk. We want to keep it, to process it and get out it by ourself.
We are inspired by:
- Forgotten and semi-destroyed villages, with traces of people living there
- Mad oldmen with their confused stories,
- Ordinary trash as the objects forgotten about it's origin
- Dusty attics keeping the childhood and the youth of people,
- and even historian archives
We reconcile the past with the future and cancel time borders. We believe that everything exist simultaneously like water cycle.
We are very happy to find ourself living on Earth.
We are never in a hurry, just watching things go and drinking the dandelion wine!

Thanks for your attention!
Phantom nostalgism


Phantom nostalgism


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