Lion Fish
Infohackit illustrated infographic session with Envision Doctoral Training Partnership, Lancaster University.

The Envision Doctoral training partnership is funded by the Natural Environment Research Council to provide PhD students with the opportunity to work with several different research institutions and business partners. We had students join us from Lancaster, Nottingham and Bangor across three research themes: environmental change; sustainable use of natural resources and environmental hazards and risk.
My team Wave of Change took a very well-managed approach where each team member created different figures and infographics to be added to a campaign website encouraging people to eat Lion Fish in the Caribbean. The population of this invasive species has grown rapidly in recent years, and our team wanted to help people understand the benefits to the local ecosystem of removing the fish.
My role was to art direct, brand and illustrate the Lion Fish mascot to use on the merchandise on sale on the website in support of the campaign.

The website was fully designed and populated in Squarespace (they only had 9 hours!) and features a campaign brand, the infographics, volunteer opportunities, campaign information and even a live web shop of merchandise using the brand the team created for the challenge.
Judges were impressed with the volume and quality of work, as well as an excellent and innovative collaborative team approach.

Below the Winning Team

Team Name
Wave of Change

Doctorate Researchers
Beth Francis, Jeneen Hadj-Hammou, Julia Rulent

Kladi Vergine

Find below some work in progress snaps of my team, taken during the work sessions.



Campaign website encouraging people to eat Lion Fish in the Caribbean featuring Lion Fish digital illustration
