Here's the third and final installment of the Thangka series I'm doing based off of Buddhist ideology.  This characters name is Avalokitesvara (representative of Buddhas compassion.)
I knew from the beginning this piece was going to be very busy, it took sometime just to nail down an overall composition.  Funny enough I didn't go with any of the ones I drew here but I took what I liked and messed them together.  
I thought it would be interesting to create a series of hand movements that would look animated if you were to follow them.
Once the overall sketch was completed, the overall image looked condense, I felt like some of the hands would get lost.  Thats when I came up with the idea to fade some of them out, not only so it wouldn't feel as busy but to also add something interesting. 
When it came down to rendering the image, I wanted to show light coming from the characters heart.  I thought it would symbolize how love and compassion can shine a light on whats around us. 
Thanks for stopping by!

