George Bourle's profile

Harder Better Faster Stronger

I study flourishes lately and i created a project to practice.

I selected a phrase from a favourite song by Daft Punk, 

I started sketch the phrase on paper and pencil just to experiment with balance and connections.

I ended up on 2 versions with different flourishes and letter heights.
The first one was with standard letters and the second with more bouncy ones.
Then I roughly ink them just to see how they look and to decide the final design.
I chose the first one and then i made the pencil lines more visible to go further.
Then, I went to a bigger scale and ink the piece with a Tombow brushpen.
After that i wanted to create a digitized version based on the pen tool in Illustrator. 
I made a monoline version of the phrase in black & white and a final piece with shadows and 3d effects.
Hope you like it!

Find me and say hello over on Instagram!
Harder Better Faster Stronger

Harder Better Faster Stronger

Hand lettering project from pencil to digital.
