For the word brittle I went with the Chalkduster font which gave the characters a cracked look and then I added some white lines to make the word look even more broken.
When I hear the word lush I think expensive so I chose a cursive font and then I added a snakeskin pattern to show for more of an high end feel.
For the word reflection I used more of a simple look that got to the point. So I wrote the word reflection and reflected the back end of the word.
Chaotic means crazy so I chose many different fonts for each letter and made them have their own personality.
Transparent was also a simple word. So I split up the word in two and made the letters "s" and "p" see through so it gave the word a more transparent feel.
                                    Meaning Through Letters

For this project the objective was to visually communicate the meaning of words only using characters that make up each word.

I started off with 10 words that I found interesting which included some words I thought I could
easily communicate. I choose the words transparent, reflection, frugal, brittle, chaotic, dominant, lush, massive, swift, and active. After coming up with some sketches of each word I narrowed it down to the best 5 words for me which were transparent, brittle, chaotic, reflection, and lush.

My process was finding and understanding each definition of every word and matching that up with the best font. For example if the word meant fancy and or expensive I would use a cursive font. After I found the perfect font I found a way I could align the characters and thought if I should add color and if there were other ways I could manipulate the text.

During this whole process I learned different ways to manipulate text through illustrator. I also learned many different tools through the application that can help you manipulate objects and also that there are many different ways to express a word visually just with characterization.
MeANiNg ThROugH LeTterS

MeANiNg ThROugH LeTterS

expressing the meaning of words using the characters in the word
