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The project dedicated to Soviet science-education films

The project of Soviet science-education films by Centrnauchfilm and Kyrgyzfilm studios

The Spring Creative Report by The School of Theory and Activism is a large public program (March-June), that is united by the theme “Communist promises”. It opens with a series of Soviet science-education movies, a genre that was given a special role in the USSR to bring the idea of universal enlightenment closer. The program consists of two parts: the first is a retrospective of one of the most prominent directors of the Soviet Sci-Ed Alexei Georgievich Sokolov (films are provided by the author). The second part will introduce viewers with Sci-Ed of Kyrgyzstan, this part is based on the rare materials of Kyrgyzfilm, specially selected and digitized for this event (previously these films were not widely shown).

Lead and program compiler: Vasilchenko Galina
Design: Vasilchenko Galina
The project dedicated to Soviet science-education films

The project dedicated to Soviet science-education films


Creative Fields