Using chance I selected the word transformation out of a hat, I then began a long list of connotative definitions. I then ended up at the word shift, which then lead me to the topic of global warming/climate change.  After conducting extensive research I compiled 3 narratives: a transcript of Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, part one of John Christopher's science fiction thriller The Long Winter, and my own commentary on the current situation of climate change.
The Long Winter is a story about individuals living in the United Kingdom during a modern day ice age. This novel centers around the humans relationship to the climate, and tells of their drastic troubles they have to deal with and explains how the humans are the reason for their situation. In Contrast, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore talks about the melting of the ice caps, and how the average temperature of the Earth has gone up in recent years. Gore talks about the impact that our modern industrial cities and how our government hasn't stepped in to help.

I then created Chrysalis, a novel that encompasses all three narratives.  I decided to display An Inconvenient Truth and The Long Winter back to back to physically show how they are contrasting in story, they share a back because they share the same general topic of climate change, but one narrative is about the Earth freezing over and the other is about the Earth's temperature rising.  My narrative is weaved into each book, and is displayed in the yellow and pink boxes.
There are 5 different grids that are used in each book, as the reader goes through the book the grids and text either expand or contract. This is meant to create a sense of anxiety as the reader reads these narratives. The images used in each book are also meant to create a sense of anxiety and meant to shock the reader, from time to time.
55 pages
Typography: Lucida Roman 8pt/13pt and Franklin Gothic Medium 12pt
266 images
51 Pages
Typography: Franklin Gothic Medium/Book Italic 9pt/13pt and Lucida Bold Italic 12pt
250 images
xerox transfer
davey board


Using chance I selected the word transformation out of a hat, I then began a long list of connotative definitions. I then ended up at the word sh Další informace
