Barrett Lo's profile

Drag-and-drop - Adobe XD Creative Challenge, Day 2

Adobe XD Creative Challenge - Day 2
Day two's challenge is to create a drag-and-drop rearrangement experience. During the rearrangement process, the unnecessary information (bio sidebar, background) is darkened and blurred so that user's focus is brought to relevant elements. Because Adobe XD does not yet have multi-reactive animations, the action of dragging and hovering the selected element over others was split into separate boards (the need to release and repress the button is evidence of this).
Try it out yourself:
All photographs in this demo are my own originals.
Drag-and-drop - Adobe XD Creative Challenge, Day 2

Drag-and-drop - Adobe XD Creative Challenge, Day 2

Day two of the Adobe XD Creative Challenge called for a drag-and-drop rearrangement interaction. In the context of an artist's portfolio, this fe Read More

