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Dental Receptionist Duties: Dealing with Common Challen

Dental Receptionist Duties: Dealing with Common Challenges

Your front desk team is the face of your practice. In addition to carrying out their basic dental receptionist duties, these folks are on the front line, serving as the first and last point of contact for your patients, which means they play a significant role in patient satisfaction and retention. Yet, for some reason, they are also among the most often overlooked employees.

It may be a bit of an overstatement to say that your front desk team’s ability to create and maintain a seamless and positive waiting room experience can make or break your practice, but not by much. In fact, despite the quality of the relationship a patient has with their dentist, if dealing with the receptionist is unpleasant, it could easily drive them to find another practice.

One way to set your front office up for success is to address and help overcome some of the challenges this team faces on a day to day basis. If you’re unaware of these challenges, here’s a rundown to help bring you up to speed.

Handling Busy Phones

One of the most basic yet important dental receptionist duties is fielding phone calls from clients. Depending on the size of your practice, your front desk could be juggling dozens or even hundreds of calls a day. The challenge here lies not just in managing the phones effectively, but in doing so while also maintaining a high degree of etiquette.

Training for time management and utilizing a phone script and/or a list of FAQs can be highly beneficial to your team and your practice as a whole. Likewise, offering other ways to book, reschedule or cancel appointments, such as an online system or scheduling app, can also help to lighten the load.

Optimize Patient Flow

Even under the best circumstances, patients will often have to wait to see the doctor. And it’s something that people collectively hate. In fact, according to a recent survey by Consumer Reports, a long wait time was among the top 10 biggest gripes patients have about their medical providers.

Tempering that frustration is no easy feat. And it’s not just a challenge from a client-facing point of view, either. The front desk is also responsible for streamlining the doctors’ schedule by coordinating the flow of patients from the waiting room to the exam room. Good time management and communication skills can help in this area.

Managing Emotions

Visiting the dentist may seem like a rather straightforward event, but in reality, it can sometimes involve a great deal of emotion. As such, being able to perform well while managing those emotions is one of the most important dental receptionist duties.

Whether it’s a child who is frightened, a patient who is upset over a diagnosis or someone who is angry about a billing or scheduling issue, a significant portion of your front desk team’s time will be spent neutralizing tense situations and calming people down. Make sure you’ve armed your crew with the knowledge and tools they need to do so effectively.

Fielding Complaints

When a client is unhappy, it is often the front desk that bears the brunt of their displeasure. Being able to field complaints may be among the least favorite dental receptionist duties, but it’s a necessary evil. The key here is showing empathy for the patient while determining the best course of action to resolve the issue at hand. And, of course, being as proactive as possible can help avoid complaints in the first place.

In short, your front desk team are the unsung heroes of your dental practice. Not only are they key to maintaining an efficient and well-run workplace, but they’re pivotal to establishing and nurturing long-term patient relationships. Remember to acknowledge and address the challenges they’re facing on a daily basis. Doing so will pay off tenfold.

For more tips, tricks and expert advice on creating and maintaining an exceptional front desk, be sure to bookmark the UPbook blog and check back weekly for fresh new content.

Dental Receptionist Duties: Dealing with Common Challen
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Dental Receptionist Duties: Dealing with Common Challen

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