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Data Visualisation: Kimberley Process

Data Visualisation 
The brief was to find data, draw connections and come up with an original, interesting story that you discovered while interpreting your data. I decided to conduct research and gain a further understanding of Blood Diamonds and the Kimberley Process. To add an extra level of detail, I decided to compare the data between Canada and Democratic Republic of the Congo. I visualised the data I found in an infographic. 
To make the final infographic I researched and compared data between Canada and Democratic Republic of the Congo.
I came up with some interesting storylines from the data I gathered to show the hidden truth behind this process. 
I presented the data that supported my storyline with graphs. This would help me visualise my data better for the infographic.
Data Visualisation: Kimberley Process

Data Visualisation: Kimberley Process

Data Visualisation representing the relationship between Kimberley Process and two countries that are part of this ethical diamond mining certifi Se mer
