Postmates Serve
Making urban autonomous delivery a positive reality.

See online: Postmates, FastCompany, WIRED 
Design team: 4-7 including UX. Project Manager: Erik Askin
Role: sketching, prototyping, CAD, visualization, creating/framing interactions
Status: Will be on streets in Summer 2019

Postmates challenged NewDealDesign to design an autonomous delivery robot people could love and integrate it into the urban landscape around it. Built with an aluminum chassis that hugs the drive train and payload altogether, Serve's iconic form takes inspiration from the humble shopping cart to bring an exciting autonomous delivery experience. Expressive and emotive front eyes, LED light bar around the top perimeter and touch screen display create functional signaling and a whimsical persona. Vinyl 'skins' can be applied and wrapped around payload body to further express Serve's personality and identity while navigating sidewalks.

Product photography: Mark Serr photography 
Postmates Serve

Postmates Serve

Postmates Serve makes urban autonomous delivery a positive reality.


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