Nikita Chellani 的個人檔案

Colurful Delight - Lamp Design

Inspired by recyled materials this lamp was created using empty lighters and ping pong balls. The challenge was to achieve an attractive lamp whether on or off  and different options of lighting.
Using only the ping pong balls gave an elegant but monotonous effect. Which is when the idea of using empty lighters was in co-operated- to  add excitment and colour to the lamp as the lamp was designed for a batchelors house or a college student.
A lamp which definitely adds joy and enthusiasim to ones atmosphere.
Variable_03 A personal favurite
Colurful Delight - Lamp Design

Colurful Delight - Lamp Design

A lamp designed for a batchelors house - Fun and exciting Adds a uniqueness in the ambience.
