Candace Morgan's profile

Nielsen Advertising Campaigns

Nielsen National Advertising Campaigns
National Magazine Advertising for the Nielsen

The views expressed in this profile/portfolio are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer. These reports are the expressed property of the Nielsen and may not be reproduced or used in any way without appropriate permission.  All sensitive content below has been obscured as these reports are to be used as a visual representation of my work only.

All Advertising was created for trade publications like Canadian Grocer, Convenience magazine or another industry related publication.  Designs were created using Illustrator CS3 or greater, images are from or are original photos created by me.
The above advertisement was for a special 'Leaders in Fresh' publication.  We were unable to find a picture that would convey both "fresh" and "growth" so I went out and bought a watermelon and started shooting pictures.  Because watermelon was out of season, the watermelon didn't look so great on the inside and was leaking all over the place.  I was constantly mopping up watermelon juice while shooting. In the end, I was able to get a great shot, and I was able to use Photoshop to touch up the pink areas of the watermelon that were starting to look less than fresh.
This advertisement was created for Pharmacy magazines, targeting the beauty industry and how Neilsen can help them understand what their customers want. The image is from iStockphoto.
This banner ad has been used one of the websites during the "Just Ask Nielsen" campaign last year.  The artwork was created in Illustrator CS4.
Nielsen Advertising Campaigns

Nielsen Advertising Campaigns

Advertising created for the Nielsen Company of Canada Magazine campaigns.
