Michael Juuls profil


How nature's own vitamin pill became even more edible
​​​​​“Nature's own vitamin pill” is a campaign I made at 727 Communication for Landbrug og Fødevarer (The Danish Agriculture & Food Council) and Danske Æg (The Danish Egg Association). Together we created a tightly segmented and informative campaign with films, posters, prints and recipes targeting opinion-leaders, teachers and stakeholders in the food industry with the goal of improving the egg's image in Denmark.​​​​​​​
Situation: In recent years there has been a regular cholesterol scare among the Danes, and in this connection eggs have been one of the big villains. The wrong assumptions about eggs among the Danish consumers had to be changed, because eggs are an important, super-healthy and tasty commodity that cannot be replaced by anything else in your diet. Eggs actually contain all minerals and vitamins (except for vitamin C, which the chicken forms itself). The task for us was to create a campaign that could advance the Danes' erroneous prejudices and strengthen the egg's position in the Danish kitchens.
Solution: We created a tightly segmented and informative campaign with films, prints, handout posters and recipes targeting opinion-leaders, teachers and stakeholders within the food industry. Setting the goal of improving the egg's image in Denmark our strategy was to equip the food industry's many professional influences with the new knowledge of eggs, thereby making them key couriers with the message of eating more eggs.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Result: The campaign with the message "nature's own vitamin pill" became a great success. Today, eggs have a significantly better image in today's Denmark, which can be seen in terms of both sales and increased use - in fact the Danes today eat more eggs than ever before! Eggs have become a widely recognized super-food.​​​​​​​
Actively consumer-oriented the campaign also ran on the producers' egg trays in the Danish supermarkets, where consumers could participate in a travel competition if they actively involved themselves in the matter on the social media.

On social media the campaign was brought to life on Facebook and Instagram, where food professionals could influence both the restaurant industry and the consumers with new nutritional knowledge and inspiration in form of e.g. recipes and brochures. In addition, the campaign was activated on some of Denmark's many popular food festivals.

Clients: The Danish Agriculture & Food Council that represents the farming and food industries of Denmark including companies, trade and farmers’ associations + The Danish Egg Association is a trade organisation for the egg sector in Denmark Target: Opinion-leaders, teachers and stakeholders in the food industry. Campaign Message: Eggs are much healthier than you believe. -Eggs are nature's own vitamin pill. Agency: 727 Communication. Key Account: Tom Elert and Kirsten Lodahl. Idea and concept: Michael Juul. Creative Direction: Michael Juul. Art Direction, design and illustration: Michael Juul. Copywriting: Michael Brønd and Michael Juul. Animation/Production: Animato; Henrik Rasmussen.


