Suree Zawidi's profile

GlyphDrawingClub poster

Experiment & materials
This was part of a school project, experimenting with the digital and the analog medium (only grayscale) with the building blocks being the contemporary text art editor With the use of Glyph drawing clubs the typical outcome is a very sharp and geometric look and after 2 weeks of using the program, I started to long for a more organic and rounder expression. It created the idea that I could physically manipulating the outcome I would get from creating typografi in GDC.
I started by creating a few different typographys in the program and ended with the words: Calme and Balanced. Then I printed the words out and experimented with scanning them. 

While the words got scanned, I moved it manually so the scan would be distorted and create unpredictable shapes and chops.
The different shapes I got while scanning and distorting the word "Calme".
The different shapes I got while scanning and distorting the word "Balanced".
This experiment created some forms that I wouldn't necessarily be able to create in the GDC and it showed how the collaboration between different techniques can complement each other by taking the product somewhere it would not have gotten to independently. In the end I gathered every element and experimented with compositions and different textures in Adobe Illustrator CC.

Thanks for checking out my project!
GlyphDrawingClub poster

GlyphDrawingClub poster

Poster with experiments of types and scan distorting.
