Duration: 2 weeks
Weaving has been one of the most beautiful and rich culture of India in general and Mysore silk has been the beauty of Bangalore. The intent of this initiative is to bring the artists/weavers and the consumers closers eliminating the need of the middlemen and increasing the profit share for the weavers.
The weavers are not aware of the market situation or their financial condition and how to improve these things. So to help them with it, the initiative proposes to make a space where weavers with the help of the youth can interact with the consumers on a daily basis making a chain of network which benefits everyone involved in the system.
Weavers' Colony is an initiative to bring the weavers and the users together in a space which promotes traditional crafts with encourage local products. 

The user buys an entry ticket and the money is used for maintaining the space. Attached with it is a feedback form which can be filled and dropped at the exit. The user then goes on to the exhibit which showcases the history and the legacy of these weaves and weavers. After this, the user experiences the weavers weaving and interacts with them to know more about their lives and stories. He/she proceeds to the shop where all the products are for sale. They can collect information from the help desk about the orders or contracts etc. After dropping the feedback form, the user can exit or go around again.
The system also takes into account the unemployed youth and tries to accommodate them in a way which is beneficial for the system as well as them. The youth can decide to be a part of the weaving process or the managing sector. He/she is given full liberty to take up whatever interests them and continue with it till they want to.

The initiative seems to be working well in the departments that it was suppose to make changes in. It eliminates the need of middlemen since it directly send the products to the market or sells it first hand at the Weavers’ Colony. The profit margin has increased because of the same leaving more money in the system with the weavers and the consumers. This has helped both the buyers and the sellers since the cost of the products have also gone down and the profits have increased.
In the information department, it has made people more aware of the art and informed about the decisions they make. Watching someone weave in front of their eyes makes people realise how much work goes into making one product and  they appreciate and applaud the weavers for the same.
The initiative also works with the youth and creates job opportunities in various departments ranging from finance, to curating an exhibition. It helps the weavers communicate better with the other stakeholders in the system by discussing and debating over ideas for products, exhibits and other events.
Weavers' Colony

Weavers' Colony
