St. Pius X Church and School
Dallas, TX

Project Management, Conceptual Design, Art Direction, Photo Retouch, Photo Illustration, Installation

St. Pius X Catholic church and school had an idea for a focal point for their new community hall—a mural depicting the Biblical “Last Supper”… with 12 school children as stand-ins for Apostles!

Drawing inspiration from DaVinci, we conducted photoshoots with school children onsite, a shoot with a stand-in for Jesus, and composited the photos into a full montage. Then we used a digital natural media application to make it look painterly. To produce the finished piece we divided the finished art into a 480 piece grid, printed each segment on 4" ceramic tiles, and assembled the tiles onsite inside a 24' x 5' relief built into the room’s wall.

The outcome exceeded expectations of the client and stands as one of my most difficult yet fulfilling projects – making a dream reality.

Bill Rogers
Art direction, project management, photo illustration, production art

Marcellus A.
Photography, photo illustration

Orlando Artigliere, Jr.
Print production, installation

Photo Mural

Photo Mural

