Sophomore Single Bed Knitting Midterm 
"Bustling City"

Based on a doodle that I did, I conveyed a childhood memory of mine of growing up in a industrial, city-based country, Singapore. I drew out a window-like punchcard motif as my pattern for the top part of the piece to portray a the towering apartments with windows that I remember looking up to. I also vividly recalling this memory of the windows of each apartment to look collaged onto each buildings as it popped out of the apartment. The colours represent the way I remembered this memory: soft, youthful, playful, and comforting pastel red, yellow, and blues

Materials: Wool yarn 
Photographer: Melissa Nyquist
Model: Morgan Watson
Busy City

Busy City

For my Sophomore midterm, I create an apparel piece that was about my childhood town, Singapore, of a busy city.
