Losing Weight - Understanding the Mighty Calorie

Carbohydrates - cheese tortellini, yams, long grain rice, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, meat ravioli, buck wheat, whole wheat and whole grain bread. Cereals - natural muesli, all-bran, rolled oats and oat-bran. Vegetables and fruits - red peppers, peas, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, corn, leafy vegetables, plums, apples, grapefruit and cherries.
When most people think about increasing their protein intake they don't think about weight loss. Most people believe increasing the protein in their diet is only beneficial when you're trying to build muscle tissue to get muscular.

However, there is such thing as a protein weight loss diet, which can help boost your metabolism and burn more fat. Moreover, such a diet will help preserve and build your lean muscle tissue. By adding additional protein to each meal you will increase your metabolism, because your body needs more energy to process protein. A protein weight loss diet can definitely help you lose more weight, but consuming too much might result in serious health consequences. So you have to determine the amount of protein you need to eat.

Most high protein weight loss diet plans aren't that risky because their calorie restrictions have been reduced to limit the amount of protein you eat and your portion size. The recommended daily intake of protein is 60 grams per day. However, you may require more protein than this if you have a lot of muscle like a body builder, you had surgery, or if you have a condition that needs additional protein. If you decide to follow a protein diet plan to lose weight try to eat 6 small meals each day, instead of 3 large ones. This will make sure you give your body the protein and nutrients it needs to maintain muscle and burn fat.

Moreover, this will also prevent any chance of starving yourself. If your body goes into starvation mode it will begin burning muscle for energy, increase the amount of fat your body stores, and slow down your metabolism. Your protein weight loss diet should consist of at least one gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. This will make sure your body has the protein it needs to keep your metabolism in a fat burning state.

3 Week Diet Review

3 Week Diet Review


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