Profil appartenant à Sidoney Wallen

Prep Work for Figure Drawing

Prep Work
To start, I begun practicing drawing figures. 
I also wanted the focus of figure drawing to have at least one very detailed feature, either it be the eyes, mouth, or nose but I went with eyes since they are usually the first thing you see. 
For this next sketch, I wanted to build my figure from sketchy but precise lines and so this happened...
This was my first attempt on a struggle that I have of pulling up the zipper on a dress.
This figure drawing was from watching an hour long video of a girl modelling and I really liked how this one turned out, and it made me more confident with drawing female figures.
This was done to help me practice drawing braids.
Running has always been part of my life and so I drew it. That's all.
Last but not least, I drew this for fun but then I really liked the idea since it reminded me of how I used to pretend to be a famous fighter and practice my fighting stances. 
Prep Work for Figure Drawing
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Prep Work for Figure Drawing

Prep work for my figure drawing.

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