Varun Manocha profili

Service jam @ New Delhi - 2013

Service Jam is Worldwide activity which takes place at same time. In this various like minded people collaborate and jam together to Design a new Service. I participated in this Jam and followed the Service Design Process to come up with a new concept - DIRECTME.
First step was to form a group and design an identity for the same. So we formed a group of 5 people and named it as Thinkers. We also designed the Logo for the same.
Then we were provided with the word - Growth. Now we have to brainstorm and come up with a Metaphor for the same. So the whole team shared their views, ideas, understandings and experiences on Growth and brainstormed.
After a long brainstorming session a metaphor was decided. In our case we chose independent moving circles with a frame. Then whole team collaborate to build it and presented the same to the other groups and audience.
Next step was to come up with new Idea that should relate to the Growth. Our group decided to come up with an idea where end users would be able to get a right information about Law, constitutional laws or any legal matter. We analyzed the whole service by deciding on needs, sectors, stakeholders and touch points.
To analyze further we created different Persona who will be using this service. And took one scenario related to the Targeted Sector.
Next step was to designed the operating model of the service which explains how the whole system would work.
We used story boarding to prototype the service.
Here we took one of our persona. Shows his daily life, activities, aspirations and motivations.
In story we created a scenarios to target the Traffic laws. Rajiv (Persona) got in to a situation where a need of right information about Traffic Laws was generated.
With the help of DIRECTME service Rajiv was able to get the right information at right time. With the right information he over comes the situation and becomes a Hero.
A presentation was created to document the whole process. All the groups shared their ideas and experience through presentations and the same was published online to the whole world.
Service jam @ New Delhi - 2013
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Service jam @ New Delhi - 2013

A group of like minded designers jammed together to design a new service which will take our society to anther level.

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