Profiel van Jeff Östberg

New Year Illustration for 2018

 Im back home in Stockholm and back to drawing after enjoying some downtime with my loved ones. It´s been an amazing year in so many ways, new insights and experiences and i have been blessed to meet my partner in vibe.

Iv'e also been thinking a lot about my process and what's important for me in order to stay inspired. Im thankful for still being able to draw pictures for a living but for a long time i've felt a strong need to also make time for my own work and to choose my commissions more carefully to make pictures that i feel fully satisfied with.

In November i went overseas to visit my girlfriend in New York for a month. During my stay there i started working on my first personal drawing in a long time and vibin around getting inspired with my boo really reminded of why i love drawing and the importance of making time for things that i care about and in wich i can express what inspires my imagery.

I have a lot of new projects and ideas and during my two weeks up north i finally added the last touches on my annual new year's piece to sum up 2018.
Now im looking forward to making a lot of new pieces, paint more analog stuff and combine my drawing with my music making.
Thanks for your support throughout the year, it mean´s a lot!

/ J
New Year Illustration for 2018


New Year Illustration for 2018

My personal drawing to sum up 2018.
