Profil appartenant à Ming Li Ho

BFM Podcast - 2019


This has been the first freelance design job was under the radio station, BFM89.9 The Business Station, Malaysia since coming out of university. It took me 6 months to be completed with this project as I went through a lot of trial and error as well as understanding client expectation and designs that business are more inclined to take. I give my thanks to the social media superior, Olivia Siow, for her patience and her feedback on this project. You will be able to view these podcast images on BFM's Mobile app and Spotify page.
BFM - The Morning Run Belt
I think it's quite safe to say that the designs for The Morning Run segment went through the most rounds of amendments collectively as compared to the other segments. It was a big hit or miss progress with each draft, as I was still trying to grasp what exactly would encompass business designs well enough while not forgetting to encompass the show's mission. That being said, most of my favorite designs are in this segment, that being: Market Watch, Ringgit & Sense, The 6AM Stretch, and The Breakfast Grille. Market Watch is especially my favorite as pairing it with the orange font was a happy accident when I had accidentally clicked on the color wheel while looking for something else.
Other notes: 
PaintTool SAi contributions: Bear and bull image in Market Watch
BFM - Enterprise Belt
Designing the Enterprise belt was another hit or miss progress, although the draft re-amendments weren't as many (save for Five for Fortune). Because it was also the radio station's biggest segment, there was also a bit of heavy expectation on this one. Personally I can't quite say that together it looks good, but individually as shows, they manage to meet the show requirements. It was difficult, but in the future I hope to learn how to better maintain a design consistency for such as these. My favorite in this design in this segment is Hervantage and Enterprise Biz Bytes.
Other Notes: 
- Background image in Open for Business is a stock photo.
- PaintTool SAI contributions: Fortune cookie in Five for Fortune
BFM - The Bigger Picture Belt
This segment was a little more straightforward with art direction as show producers knew what they wanted or gave creative freedom for. 
Other notes: 
- PaintTool SAI contributions: Live & Learn's image.
BFM - The Evening Edition Belt
The Evening Edition belt happens to be the belt I interned for, and subsequently how I received this freelance job (they had discovered while I was interning that I could design, and just as I ended my intern contract, I accepted this project).
My very first design for this segment, and entire project in fact, is Evening Edition itself. The car design was actually designed as a sticker (with 'Evening Edition' hand-written) for the team as a goodbye present. When I took on this project, I thought it would be nice to let the design live on as part of their podcast images family (with approval from the team too). 
Other notes: 
- On the Ball and Off the Ball are meant to be complementary designs for each other. 
- The current Snap, Crackle, and Pop design seen here is actually the second variation, you can view the first design on the BFM website itself (which was made with an online neon text generator and canva, which the team requested during the middle of my internship period).
- PaintTool Sai Contributions here: Talkback, KL Tower in A Bit of Culture, Evening Edition, B&W Male image in From Russia with Ross, Grandstand's background.
BFM - The Weekend Supplement Belt
Perhaps the easier segment to design for as it wasn't as business-heavy as the other four. My favorite design from this segment is Night School and Bar None. Wavelength has been the only one that had undergone 7 different drafts before the completion from the very beginning to the end of this entire project's duration, but is also one of my happiest works. My only wish is that I wish I knew a better way to improve Wavelength's background better, but I'm glad the show's producer accepted it.
Other notes: 
- PaintTool SAI Contributions: I <3 KL's background.
BFM Podcast - 2019
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BFM Podcast - 2019

Podcast Designs for BFM's existing and past shows.

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