Profil użytkownika „Youngjin Lee”

Coming Sool - Traditional Korean Liquor(Sool)

세계로 뻗어 나갈 우리술

‘Coming Sool’은 ‘Coming Soon’과 우리술을 나타내는 ‘Sool’을 합친 말로서, 한국의 전통주가 머지않아 세계적인 술로 거듭날 것이라는 의미를담고있다.첨가물로맛을낸시중의술이아닌,진짜우리나라 전통 양조 기법으로 만들어진 우리술을 소개하고자 한다.

우리술문화원에서 주관하는 한국 전통주 홍보 캠페인의 일환으로 제작되었으며, 팀 프로젝트로 진행되었다.

Korean traditional liquor, spreading out into the world

'Coming Sool' is a combination of  'Coming Soon' and 'Sool', meaning that 'Korean traditional liquor(Sool)' will soon become a global liquor. We introduce our real traditional liquors, not the ones with additives on the market.

This video was produced as part of a campaign to promote Korean traditional liquor organized by Culture Center and was conducted as a team project.

Professor/Creative Director: Chris Whang 
Design/Animation: YoungJin Lee, SuJin Ko
Coming Sool - Traditional Korean Liquor(Sool)

Coming Sool - Traditional Korean Liquor(Sool)
