Profiel van Ramla Mahmood

Pride and Prejudice Character Map

This is a side project I worked on after seeing the Pride and Prejudice production by L.A. Theatre Works. In the program came enlosed a character map and I spent many stolen moments before the show and intermission studying it. It was a complicated, cut and paste web of all the characters and their relationships and all I wanted to do was untangle the mess and re-create it. However after weeks of working on this and trying to figure out a way to simply it, I realized I couldn't. Not because there wasn't a solution, but because the chaos of the map is the beauty of it. Untangling the mess and simplifying it would mean to undo all the characters and in the end, I chose to create a web that was harmonious but still true to complex connections. My ultimate goal is to make this an interactive infographic.
on hover
Pride and Prejudice Character Map

Pride and Prejudice Character Map

An infographic based on the Pride and Prejudice character map.
