Ricardo de Tomas's profile

Ulises' Atlantic Crossing - November 2018

Every sailor daydreams from a very young age with the same few milestones. In no particular order, the usual: to round Cape of Good Hope or Cape Leeuwin, The Fasnet Race probably for the britts, the Sydney Hobart Race maybe for others, Cape Horn for most... And of course, to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

This past November, I was lucky enough to crew with other six great human beings -including my dad, the almighty captain- Ulises from Las Palmas to Saint Lucia, an Atlantic Crossing; after more than a year of planning and trainning.
There were innumerable anecdotes and life-changing moments, more than a camera can ever capture. After more than 2900 nautical miles and 15 days of racing, I curated these few pictures from the more than 5000 photos I was somehow able to shoot all along the process, as a mere apology of the memories we made.
Sailing apart, visually documenting the trip had a learning curve too. Eventhough I have sailed since I was very little and that I know Ulises by heart, finding the most stable spot aboard was sometimes tricky. Waves and wind aren't always friendly.

Likewise, timing was a fierce challenge. We were short-crewed, and I was the best bowman and the second-best helmsman aboard: nearly every manouver needed all my attention and both of my hands, there was no time for photojournalism whatsoever. There is certainly no record of the most intense moments.
Oh captain, my captain!
In the coming months I will hopefully complement these pictures with a short documentary; 500GB of videos are waiting my postproduction and narrative.
Ulises' Atlantic Crossing - November 2018

Ulises' Atlantic Crossing - November 2018

Every sailor daydreams from a very young age with the same few milestones. In no particular order, the usual: to round Cape of Good Hope or Cape Read More
