Tamila Vdovina's profile

Art project «Selfie"

Art project «Selfie"

During the period of life in Ukraine, the participants of the ART FAMILY project faced an insurmountable wall, which was cast from concrete by a corrupt Authority. And once after another defeat in negotiations with the authorities, a member of the ART FAMILY Valerii Vdovin group made a series of photos «Selfie".
Phylogenesis inevitably creates not enough comfortable conditions for the individual, some minor importance in relation to society. It is necessary for society to draw the strength of its development from a person, to shift the accents. The lack of synchronisation of the development of the general and the particular creates obstacles to openness and sincere understanding between systems of different strength and fragility. The problem is old and not solved. Personal experiences the author is trying to smooth their own resources, peering into himself.
The photos were created spontaneously, without preliminary preparation, in the mood and unfortunately their quality was not high, but when I saw them I immediately had the idea of ​​creating a conceptual project.
I set myself the task of turning photos into certain signs, which can transmit deep personal psychological processes with minimal means. I tried to convey the emotional states that are possible in a person who is faced with intractable tasks.
And I saw the solution to the problem in a graphical black and white solution.
It focuses the viewer's attention on the main thing - on the emotional state and does not distract in details.
In addition, I conducted an experiment and the same photo I did on a white and black background. This increased the amount of emotional undertones.
Later, I added yellow frames to the photos. This color is inextricably linked with mental illness on a subconscious level.
I added this color to the “Selfie” theme to enhance the emotional impact on the viewer.
These photo portraits can be viewed at the link: http://www.artfamily.pro/selfie.html
Each photo I assigned the name taken from medical terminology and describing a particular mental illness.
I suggest an option for the case of the participation of this project in the exhibition: photo framed windows without a frame and wrap everything in plastic wrap to strengthen the concept: a person who is trying to hide their internal problems from society generated by society.

Introspection. Introspection - observation of a person behind the internal state of his mental life and mental processes.
Suspicion. The state of the person in which he is inclined not to trust people, suggesting in their actions deception and dishonesty.
Conformism. Change your opinions, beliefs, attitudes, in favor of the society in which it is located. The concept of social psychology. It is expressed in changing behaviour under the real or imagined influence of society or other people.
Behaviourism. Direction in psychology the basis of which is not consciousness, but behaviour. Human reaction to an external stimulus.
Laziness. Indifferent, carefree state.
Surprise. Emotional state arising in an unexpected situation or from an impression of something strange and incomprehensible.
Authentication. The state at which there is a weakening of contacts with others.
Procrastination. Painful state when you need something to do and do not want to. People find activities and pretexts more interesting than a specific work.
Prioritisation. Everything should be in place and at the right time.
Accentuation. Very pronounced character uniqueness does not reach the degree of pathology.
Ambivalence. This term was introduced by E. Bleuler, who considered ambivalence to be one of the signs of schizophrenia.
A sociality. A sociality consists in indifference to social norms, their misunderstanding and their non-fulfillment.
Frustration. State when everything is bored and nothing happens.
Nonconformity. Advocating opinions differing from the majority.The concept is the opposite of conformism.
Depression. A condition in which a person feels oppressed and depressed, which leads to stagnant phenomena in personal, economic and social life.
Insight. Sudden insight,  the ability to penetrate the heart of a problem or situation.
Rigidity. The unwillingness of a person to act is not according to plan, the unwillingness to abandon habits and attitudes from the old in favor of the new. Rigid thinking is corny, stamped and uninteresting.
Fear. The internal state, when events, objects cause strong fear or fear, can be caused by a threatening real or perceived action.
Empathy. Understanding of people's feelings and condition, willingness to help them and support them.
Cognitivism. The flow in philosophy affirming that the human mind is available to something more than information coming from outside.
Motivation. The psychophysiological process is stimulating to action.
Freud's ambiguity. The presence of opposite deep motives. They are based on the attraction to life and death.
Catharsis. Cleansing. The process of a long experience or unrest at the height of development turns into liberation.
Negativism. The state of the attitude to the person, people and sometimes to life and the world as a whole with negative prejudice.
Art project «Selfie"

Project Made For

Art project «Selfie"
