Profil von Ellis Tennyson

Recreation and Outdoor Survivalists

Community Recreation Programme

New Fun Activities

New sporting activities and trendy games like soccer, disc golf and bocce, an Italian sport similar to lawn-bowling are attracting visitors of all ages to parks in Houston, to connect with other enthusiast of the sports.

Recreational Greenspaces

There seems to always be a cool new recreational activity that families can participate in at the greenspaces and parks. The main focus of their programs are to keep adults, children, tweens and teens with plenty of enriching, enjoyable and entertaining things to do all year long.

Tips On Health And Fitness Programs

Out of all the free events , those sponsored are turning out to to be the ones that have the potential to make the greatest impact on the city. A study by the University of Texas School of Public Health, reported that a dangerous duo is plaguing our children, obesity and depression.

Recreation and Outdoor Survivalists

Recreation and Outdoor Survivalists

